Extremely narrow floor rail sliding door with two rails and four leaves

Unit: SET



A truly comfortable home does not need to be rendered with gorgeous colors, nor does it need to be piled up with complicated elements. It can eliminate the complexity and keep it simple, allowing life to get rid of the constraints and return to the pure essence.

Fully integrate "life and art, create high-quality home spaces with ingenuity, and bring people the ultimate life experience. It can be said that the materials, design and craftsmanship are extremely thoughtful and extraordinary. No matter in terms of vision, lighting, or aesthetics It is superior in strength and practicality, and is more in line with the aesthetics of modern young people. Adhering to the design concept of "less is more", VIA's new extremely narrow door series uses extremely narrow frame technology to ensure sufficient strength of the profile. Under the premise of being strong, the profile frame is made as narrow as possible, and the size of the glass is extended as much as possible to give the space a broader view.